Discover Your Roots

Cold Weather Comfort Food Your Gut Will Thank You For...

Here in Boston, temperatures have dropped into the teens and it is officially cold AF! With those chilly temps, come more cravings for cozy hearty foods to warm us from the inside out. These cravings are normal, natural and actually healthy...tune in to learn why!

Cold Weather Cravings

For many of us, Cold weather = Cravings for hearty, filling, starches.

But unlike all you may have heard, this is NOT a bad thing!

Did you know, It is actually biologically appropriate to experience a change in your cravings as the seasons change? This often leads to seeking more starchy, hearty warm foods as the temperature drops and is one of those natural changes we SHOULD experience. Excited yet? From an ancestral standpoint, consider living off the land and think about what foods would be available during the cold winter season. These foods would include mostly hearty root vegetables, which tend to grow longer into the colder months, and store well over the Winter season. This is the a reason we crave these foods and the reason our bodies actually respond well to it!

So here is the good news…

Starchy root vegetables actually fulfill those cravings AND pack some of the most nutrient dense fibers to feed your gut and fuel your immune system. It is almost like mother nature knew what she was doing.

So, why are starchy foods good for our gut?

Starchy vegetables are great source of beneficial bacteria that we need for a healthy gut. Foods that feed off of the beneficial microbiome are called Probiotics. Looking further into this, Dietary Fiber is the best food source to nourish the microbiome and maintain long term gut health. So, when we take a look at our root vegetables and why they are great examples of starchy "complex" carbohydrates, remember that they are rich in dietary fibers and work as prebiotic foods. When the beneficial bacteria in the gut eat these starchy fibers, they produce beneficial by-products, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).

A colorful assortment of nutrient-rich root vegetables, providing numerous health benefits for your gut.

SCFA are so important for gut health AND provide many health benefits beyond the gut such as supporting metabolism and energy.

Benefits of SCFA include:

  • Appetite regulation

  • Insulin & blood sugar regulation

  • Anti-inflammatory benefits

  • Cholesterol balancing

  • Blood pressure regulation

So in summary…

Starchy root vegetables are the perfect combination of fiber dense starches that nourish the microbiome and lead to more beneficial SCFA to carry out even greater health promoting qualities throughout the whole body.

Starchy Root Veggies Include:

  • Parsnips

  • Carrots

  • Potatoes

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Turnips

  • Squash, All varieties

  • Onions

  • Beets... just to name a few!

So, next time you're craving those starchy, warm, cozy foods, make sure to roast up some root veggies these Winter months and your body will thank you!


Sun Fiber :  a natural source of dietary fiber and beneficial bacteria, supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

Sun Fiber

A tasteless functional fiber that feed the beneficial microbiome to:

  • Increase the production of short chain fatty acids (as mentioned above!)

  • Strengthen the gut immune system

  • Protect against pathogenic gut bugs

This product is great to mix into coffee, water, a smoothie or with you daily mineral elixir as it has no taste or texture.

Bone Broth  packed with essential nutrients for a thriving gut.

Kettle & Fire Bone Broth

Check out our favorite Bone Broth from Kettle & Fire. Bone broth is one of the best ways to helps to increase protein and gut soothing properties as well!

20% off code: ABOVEHEALTH20


Recipe to  Embrace the seasonal goodness of root vegetables and experience the incredible health benefits they offer for your gut.


  • 1 lb bag organic carrots (I used tri-colored), rough chop

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 1 can organic chickpeas, rinsed + drained

  • 1 16oz box Kettle & Fire Bone Broth @kettleandfire (I like to use Turmeric Ginger!)

  • 2 tbsp tahini

  • 1 tsp Salt & pepper

  • Optional Topping: Roasted red pepper spread from Trader Joes (so good!)


  • Preheat oven 350

  • On baking sheet, toss carrots & onions with salt + avocado oil.

  • On same baking sheet if room or separate, toss chickpeas + avocado oil + salt.

  • Roast both for 30-40 min until golden.

  • Blend roasted carrots + onions + tahini + bone broth until smooth.

  • Serve topped with drizzle of tahini + blob of roasted red pepper spread + crispy chickpeas & enjoy!

Our bodies are so perfectly orchestrated to function around the seasons and all of the delicious hearty foods that are offered. It is simply knowing how these can benefit our microbiome and what foods are included on the list of starchy root veggies that your gut will thank you for!


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